Dental radiographs are an indispensable method for precise diagnosis, with details less accessible examination of dental structures, periodontal structures and bone inconjurator.In full time dental consultation, the doctor may take a number of group dental radiographs (X-rays radiographs retroalveolare or bite-wings) or a panoramic radiograph.
If emergency dental radiography painful area may indicate the diagnosis (eg, abscess, fracture, caries)
In our clinic is done retroalveolare radiographs and bite-wings (with video bit) in the maximum security unit of radiology radiological performance, Castellini C-70 mark.
For additional protection is used leaded apron with thyroid collar to shield the thyroid gland area and for the other areas of the body surrounding the area exposed to radiation.
For modern films using Kodak X-rays, type E, are very sensitive to minimize the exposure time.
Thus, modern dental radiology used with discernment is an indispensable tool for a complete and correct dental treatment.