In our clinic, special attention is given to consultation, which is based on a successful treatment.

In the consultation, it makes a detailed information on medical history, current state of general health, injuries and surgeries, medications, dental problems for which the patient presented in the dental office, dental treatment related to his desires.

The doctor examines the full complexity of her mouth (dental tissues and soft tissue) and surrounding regions extrabucale (shape of the face, jaws, temporo-mandibular joint, smile, etc.).

The consultation lasts between 30-60 minutes, depending on the complexity of investigations (X-rays, study models) and ends with the proposal by dentist, one or more treatment solutions.

A warm and sincere, all stored information and providing necessary to ensure the patient can decide in an informed manner, the treatment solution that will choose next.

For more information about the types of consultation offered by our clinic visit our articles, information, news-consultation in the dental office.

